Kibri 16070 Dynamic Track Stabilisation

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Code: KIB16070

£109.50 £0.00
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PLASSER & THERER Dynamic track stabiliser DGS 62 N length over buffers 17250mm, distance between bogie pivots 12000mm, wheelbase of bogies 1500mm, wheel diameter 730mm, weight 60t, axle load 15t each, 12 cylinder turbo diesel engine wih 348kW/473HP, max. transit speed when sel prpelled 90km/h, max. speed when towed 100km/h, chassis with 2 two-axle bogies; one of which is powered hydrodynamically when in transit, both are powered in working mode, indirect cabin entrances and connecting passage between the cabins for improved safety, 2 hydraulically operated raisign and lowering stabilising aggregrats with a total of 8 track rolls and 4 draw rolls shaped like pliers, proportional levelling system incl. lateral height automatic for contorlled lowering of the track. The dynamic track stabiliser is utilised for creating a homogenous track bed during the course of planned maintenance work after correcting the track position, after ballast cleaning and replcement as well as after reworking or making a new ballast bed. The DGS 62 N is designed as amachine running on bogies and has two stabilising devices that are mounted between the bogies below the power plant. Each device is connected to the track by four track rolls and two draw rolls during the working process. Synchronised imbalance gear boxes generate a lateral horizontal vibration that is transferred to the track and subsequently to the ballast bed by means of simultaneous vertical pressure (due to hydraulic cylinders). This paly between horizontal and vertical vibrations and vertical superimposed load controlled by the levelling system facilitates dynamic stabilising. The DGS 62 N can work on many different surfaces ranging from timber, concrete or steel sleepers, various track fixing methods as well as different types of ballast and grain sizes. The machine can easily be adapted to the required working conditions. The frequency of the vibrations can be adjusted between 0 and 42 Hz, the vertical superimposed load up to a total of 240kN and the hydrostatic working drive unit can be set between 0 and 3km/h.

Made by: Kibri
Supplier Code: 16070
Gauge: HO (1:87), OO (1:76)
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