Rolling test stands are used to "lure up" locomotives. The traction current is transmitted from the rail to the wheels of the locomotive via the rolling test stands. The Lokräder can turn freely. Rolling test stands are used in the craft workshop (repairing locomotives, engine oil, etc.) or for the presentation of locomotives eg bookshelves etc.
This newly developed and patented rolling test bench consists of three rolling blocks for one axle each (not all axles of a locomotive have to be underlaid with rolling blocks). Two contact surfaces serve as a track support per roller block and forward the power from the track via the rollers to the wheels of the locomotive. The roller blocks can be extended by additional contact springs (included) with an additional center conductor contact for the Märklin® system. The castors are absolute precision turned parts to ensure optimum running properties and power transmission.
Technical data:
Gauge: 16 mm (H0)
Minimum center distance: 14 mm Sliding roller diameter:
6.5 mm
Distance rail top edge - Wheel support: approx. 7 to 8 mm
Wheel support with 3 degrees bevel to NEM
Size of a trestle: 14 x 22.5 x 9 mm (L x W x H)