Tillig 01172 Set of the DR with steam locomotive class 99.57 with coach, baggage car and box car
Tillig 01273 Freight car set of the NWE / GHE with one open car and two box cars, Ep. II
Tillig 02922 HOm Steam locomotive HSB
Tillig 02923 Steam locomotive 99 6102-0 of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 02931 Steam locomotive 99 223 of the DRG, Ep. II
Tillig 02940 HOm Railcar DR
Tillig 02942 Rail car T1 of the HSB, Ep. V
Tillig 02943 Jägermeister Railcar MEG
Tillig 02944 Rail car T1 of the Gernrode-Harzgeroder Eisenbahn, Ep. II
Tillig 02946 Rail car VT1 of the NKB, Ep. III
Tillig 02947 Rail car T7 of the Mittelbadische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft MEG Ep III
Tillig 02948 HOm Rail car T5 of the MEG (Mittelbadische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft)
Tillig 05800 Steam locomotive No. 13 of the NWE, Ep. II
Tillig 05801 Steam locomotive 99 5905 of the DR, Ep. III
Tillig 08335 Operating gear for double slip points bedding track -NEW-
Tillig 08811 Add on kit for interior lighting for narrow gauge coaches
Tillig 08858 Interior Lighting
Tillig 08970 100 Mini wood screws
Tillig 08976 100 Mini wood screws
Tillig 09593 HO/HOm/HOe 2022/2023 catalogue
Tillig 09595 TILLIG H0-H0m/H0e-Katalog 2024/2025
Tillig 09597 HOm HOe New Items Leaflet 2022 - Digital Download
Tillig 09617 Tram track system planning folder
Tillig 13907 Passenger coach KBi of the DR
Tillig 13908 Passenger coach KBi of the DR
Tillig 13914 HOm Passenger car NKB
Tillig 13915 Passenger coach KBi of the NKB
Tillig 13920 DR KB4ip passenger car
Tillig 13921 HSB passenger car
Tillig 13923 HOm Passenger coach KB “Schierker Feuerstein” of the HSB
Tillig 13933 Passenger coach KB4i of the NKB, Ep. III
Tillig 13937 Passenger coach NWE
Tillig 13938 Passenger coach NWE
Tillig 13941 Baggage car KBD of the HSB, Ep. V/VI
Tillig 13946 Baggage car KBD4i of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 13947 Baggage car KBD of the HSB, Ep. V/VI
Tillig 13955 HOm Van NKB
Tillig 13956 DR Passenger coach
Tillig 13957 NKB Passenger coach
Tillig 13965 Passenger coach KBPw4i of the NKB, Ep. III
Tillig 13966 Passenger coach with baggage compartment CPw4i of the NWE
Tillig 13967 Passenger coach with baggage compartment KBDi of the HSB
Tillig 13980 Passenger coach KB4ip of the DR, Ep. III -NEW-
Tillig 13981 Passenger coach set of the DR with two passenger coaches KB4ip, Ep. IV -NEW-
Tillig 13982 Passenger coach set of the HSB with two passenger coaches KB, Ep. V/VI
Tillig 13983 Passenger coach KB4i of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 13984 DR Passenger coach
Tillig 13985 HSB Passenger coach
Tillig 13986 DR Passenger coach
Tillig 15905 DR Box Car Wagon
Tillig 15914 DR Open wagon
Tillig 15922 HOm Open freight car NWE
Tillig 15923 Open car OO of the NKB, Ep. III
Tillig 15938 HOm Open car Ow of the NKB
Tillig 15943 Baggage car KPw4 of the NKB, Ep. III
Tillig 15946 Service car of the DR, Ep. IV
Tillig 15956 Passenger coach KB4 of the NKB
Tillig 15994 HOm Pair of bolster wagons of the NKB
Tillig 2913 HOm Steam locomotive No. 1 "Neustadt" of the NKB
Tillig 66836 Switching decoder SD2
Tillig 66837 Switching decoder SD1
Tillig 83785 H0m Bedding track brown BG3-BR12kre: Curved compatible unit, right, R 353 mm
Tillig 83786 H0m Bedding track brown BG3-BR12kli: Curved compatible unit, left, R 353 mm
Tillig 83793 H0m Bedding track brown Double slip points without operating gear
Tillig 83802 Brown bedding track brown with uncoupling track
Tillig 83863 Curved Right Point With Bedding Track
Tillig 83954 10 Brown bedding track brown rail joiners with connector
Tillig 83955 20 Brown bedding track isolated rail joiners
Tillig 83960 Electric point mechanism for bedding track
Tillig 85127 Three-rail flexible track HO-HOm, straight, length 680 mm
Tillig 85183 Right points for HO/HOm
Tillig 85184 Branch left HO-HOm, branch 15°
Tillig 85187 Track change HO-HOm left / right, length 228 mm
Tillig 85188 Track change HO-HOm right / left, length 228 mm
Tillig 85193 Three-rail narrow gauge HO / HOm-HOm
Tillig 85194 Three-rail narrow gauge HO / HOm-HOm
Tillig 85197 Three-rail narrow-gauge turnout, HO / HOm-HO, right
Tillig 85198 Three-rail narrow gauge HO / HOm-HO, left
Tillig 85262 Crossing HO right / HOm left, length 232 mm
Tillig 85263 Crossing HO left / HOm right, length 232 mm
Tillig 85501 Rail joiners nickel silver browned (25 pieces)
Tillig 85502 20 Brown Insulating rail connectors
Tillig 85627 Flexible track HOm, length 680 mm
Tillig 85631 Turnout right, 18 °
Tillig 85632 Turnout left 18°
Tillig 85640 Kit switch 18 ° left / right
Tillig 86112 Undermounted point operating motor
Tillig 86422 Track bed base plate
Tillig 86606 Dark Brown Ballast
Tillig 86607 Light Grey Ballast
Tillig 86613 Banking strip for track curves length 950 mm
Tillig 86701 Track bed Flexgleis dark brown, length 700 mm
Tillig 86721 Track bedding turnout right 18 ° dark brown
Tillig 86722 Track bedding left turnout 18 ° dark brown
Tillig 86731 Track bedding branch right HO / HOm dark brown
Tillig 86732 Track bedding branch left HO / HOm dark brown